Friday, October 18, 2019

Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Methodology - Essay Example Finally, inductive approaches do not always allow researchers to capture the complexity of various social phenomena (Cargan 2007). This is why, when researchers cannot overcome the major limitations of inductive data, they begin their study with a theory, followed by a hypothesis and research (Saunders et al., 2007). In other words, they apply for deductive research approaches. Deductive data is usually derived from the study of earlier experiments, empirical and theoretical literature. In other words, deductive approaches rely on the previous studies and lead to the creation of generalizations and assumptions from earlier formulations (Cargan 2007). The use of deductive data in research is very common. According to Saunders et al (2007), deductive data allows developing conceptual frameworks from theories considered in the literature. These frameworks are then tested using the data (Saunders et al. 2007). Researchers who use deductive data develop new theories, based on the earlier studies in the same field. In deductive approaches, researchers usually begin with the analysis of literature. At times, meta-analysis designs are used to systematize earlier research findings. All these steps are integral to deductive approaches in research. With deductive data, researchers find it easier to make generalizations and develop recommendations for future research. ... Mixed methods research Mixed methods have already become a defining feature of contemporary research. Mixed studies are often valued for their strength and reliability. Basically, mixed methods designs involve the use of both quantitative and qualitative features (Denscombe 2010). The concept of mixed methods can be traced to the end of the 1950s (Creswell 2003). Mixed methods exemplify a logical and promising response to the limitations inherent in all research methods. With the help of mixed methods, researchers can â€Å"neutralize or cancel the biases of other methods† (Creswell 2003, p.15). Triangulation is a popular method of research, which is used to ensure better validity and reliability of the study findings (Creswell 2003). For example, the results obtained from one method can be used to inform another method of research, or one method can be nested within another research strategy to ensure effective analysis of the different levels of data (Creswell 2003). Researc hers who use mixed methods in their studies can choose from three research procedures. First, in sequential mixed method approaches, researchers use the data obtained from one research method to improve the quality of the results obtained from another method (Creswell 2003). The data obtained from one method can also be used to improve the second method used a mixed study design. Second, researchers can also use concurrent procedures, when qualitative and quantitative data are used simultaneously to study one research question (Creswell 2003). Finally, there are also transformative procedures when a particular theoretical framework is used to interpret both quantitative and qualitative study findings (Creswell 2003). The choice of particular procedures and

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